Organisations Portal

Revision as of 22:46, 5 March 2009 by EmbraceUnity (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 22:46, 5 March 2009 by EmbraceUnity (talk | contribs)

This portal is a listing of different types of organisations who are working in the water and sanitation sector. We have structured organisations under a number of different headings and tried to place them under, what we think, is their primary mission. Of course many of these fit under multiple headings.


Non Governmental Organisations

An NGO is an organisation that implements projects in the local region, country where they are based or internationally. The grouping below is based on what scale and where the organisations operate.





A network organisation builds networks and collaborates in the local region and country where they are based or internationally.

Governmental organisations

Knowledge & Research organisations

Knowledge organisations primarily assemble, refine and disseminate knowledge about water and sanitation. Knowledge centers can often be seen as broker between parties, facilitation organisations with knowledge of water and sanitation technologies and approaches.

Knowledge centers

Universities / Research centers

Funding organisations

A funding organisation primarily funds projects. The grouping below is based on the scope of funded projects.

Development banks

Commercial banks

Commercial companies


