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Practitioner's Tool / Planning and Promotions Overview

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Site Evaluation
A Site Evaluation Tool guides you through the process of evaluating the setting of your project. Download the tool linked below and follow the steps below for the information you will need as you use the tool.
*Step 1: [[Practitioner's Tool / Step_1:_Create Create a Site_Plan|Create a Site Plan]]*Step 2: [[Practitioner's Tool / Step_2:_Soil_DepthSoil_Depth|Soil Depth]]*Step 3: [[Practitioner's Tool / Step_3:_Soil_Texture_and_StructureSoil_Texture_and_Structure|Soil Texture and Structure]]*Step 4: [[Practitioner's Tool / Step_4:_Seasonally_High_GroundwaterSeasonally_High_Groundwater|Seasonally High Groundwater]]*Step 5: [[Practitioner's Tool / Step_5:_Slope_and_TopographySlope_and_Topography|Slope and Topography]]*Step 6: [[Practitioner's Tool / Step_6:_Land_Use_of_Surrounding_LotsLand_Use_of_Surrounding_Lots|Land Use of Surrounding Lots]]
'''[ Site Evaluation Tool (.xlsm, File 02)]'''
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