Water Portal / Rainwater Harvesting / SamSam RWH Tool

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Welcome to the SamSamWater Rainwater Harvesting Tool.

Rainwater harvesting is an easy way to collect water during the rainy season and store it for use during the dry season. Using this tool you can easily determine the optimum size of your rainwater harvesting reservoir.

This tool will take you through 4 steps towards finding the right rainwater harvesting system for your unique situation.

  1. Choose a location on a map, where your project will be located.
  2. Input your roof size and select your roof materials.
  3. Input how much water will be used per day (litres).
  4. Results are shown! They reveal: summary, location, rainfall, water availability, water demand, required storage, dry and wet years, and data source.

Let's get started!

SamSamWater Rainwater Harvesting Tool

Requirements & limitations

  • Internet connectivity is required to get rainfall data from a global database. Unfortunately this database is too big to include in the installation, so therefore internet connectivity remains necessary.
  • Some users have issues that after they marked a location on the first step they cannot proceed to step 2. SamSam Water had that once too, but after that it didn’t happen again. We will try to find out why this is happening sometimes. Please try to click on another location (somewhere nearby) and click next, this might solve it. Let us know if this works! Sander Haas de: sanderdehaas [at] samsamwater.com
  • On the sharing of the results: what would you like to share and in which ways? We will try to incorporate that.
  • On saving the results: in the internet version of the tool you can use the URL to share/save the results. For example.

Sample result of water levels in a tank per year

There is also an Android App of the Rainwater Harvesting Tool available.


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SamSam Water