[[Image:Fuel_efficient_motor_pump.PNG|thumb|right|150px300px|Transporting the improved pump that weights 50% less than the conventional model]]
Small and efficient motor pumps refer to diesel or kerosine fueld motor pumps that have a typical size between 0.5 and 2.5 hp, and have been optimized to use as little fuel as possible.
==History and social context==
[[Image:Fuel_efficient_motor_pump.PNG|thumb|right|150px300px|Transporting the improved pump that weights 50% less than the conventional model]]
In India alone, there are more than 6 million diesel pumps. Research on the efficiency of these pumps, which was performed as part of the India-Terai development project, showed that big improvements in efficiency were possible. Technical adaptation resulted in a smaller engine that consumes 50% less fuel and is easier to transport. Improved motor pumps of 2.5 HP could yield as much water as traditional 5 HP pumps. Local industry in India has started to produce these new pumps.
==Technical specification== ====Operation==== ====Maintenance==== ====Manufacturing ==Construction, operations and maintenance==
Different types of small and efficient motor pumps are manufactured in several countries, such as China and India.
Practica monitors the quality of the product, and can facilitate procurement of these pumps and spare parts from China, the establishment of a dealer network, training of mechanics and general promotion. Practica also has developed an operation and maintenance manual. The low-cost pumpset is used in Madagascar (some 50 units), Burkina Faso (100 units), Nicaragua (70 units), and Chad (50 units).
A 4 HP diesel pump can usually be obtained for US$ 400, off-factory. 1.5 hp petrol pumps are available for US$170
==Country Field experiences==
This low cost pumpset is used in Madagascar (50 units), Burkina Faso (100 units), Nicaragua (70 units), Chad (50 units)
==Manuals== ==Movies== ==External Reference manuals, videos, and links==
* [http://www.practicafoundation.nl/products/under-development/micro-diesel-engine/ Micro diesel engine under development by PRACTICA Foundation].
* [http://bookstore.teriin.org/book_inside.php?material_id=186 Technology innovation and promotion in practice: pumps, channels and wells], TERI publication.
* [http://www.hipponet.nl www.hipponet.nl]