== Step 3 - Format picture ==
The following options for displaying an image can be used in any order.
In brief, the syntax for displaying an image is:
Only '''<nowiki>[[Image:{name}]]</nowiki>''' is required. Most images should use '''<nowiki>[[Image:{name}|thumb|Example image caption]]</nowiki>''' (and should not specify a size). The other These details are optional and can be placed in any order.
; Type : 'thumb' / 'thumbnail' or 'frame'. Causes image to be displayed with specific formatting (see below).
; Border : adds a border around the image
; Caption : Any element which cannot be identified as one of the above is assumed to be caption text.
More information and visualization of display options can be found on this specific [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Extended_image_syntax|<nowiki>wikipedia page</nowiki>]