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25 bytes added, 12:04, 5 January 2011
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|aim=Strengthening of bilateral economic relations with non-OECD countries with the aim of increasing the likelihood of Dutch companies obtaining orders in those countries.
|moreinfo=Most of the budget will normally be allocated to technical assistance and related expenses but in some cases hardware can be included as well. Typical output of a 2xplore study is a comprehensive business plan which can be presented to decision makers and their financiers.
|target_organisations=Private companyNGO
|target_org=Consortia of Dutch companies
|project_kind=Research or pilot
|finance_mech=50% of the studie costs.
|finance_budget=€3 million in 2009
|funding_range=Less than 50.000 Euro
|finance_period=all year round, the approval committee meets approximately every six weeks
|proc_application=A project idea form can be found on the website. A project advisor will state on the basis of the form if futher application is advisable.
|proc_selection=The grants will be approved through the principle of 'first come, first served'.
Akvopedia-spade, administrator

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