We need your help to make this portal comprehensive and to keep it up to date. Please share your knowledge about these or other financial mechanisms to improve and expend this finance portal and to keep it up to date.
====[[Dutch Funds]] »====
List of Dutch funds for WASH projects/ businesses. Most funds can only be used by Dutch organizations/ companies, but some are open for organizations from all over de world.
====[[European Funds]] »====
List of EU grants/ loans for WASH projects/ businesses.
|['''[Dutch Funds]] »'''
||List of Dutch funds for WASH projects/ businesses. Most funds can only be used by Dutch organizations/ companies, but some are open for organizations from all over de world.
|'''[[European Funds]] »'''
||List of EU grants/ loans for WASH projects/ businesses.
====[[Bilateral Funds]] »====
List of government funds for WASH projects/ businesses