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Madagascar Development Funds

1,426 bytes added, 15:59, 8 July 2010
New page: {{Financebox | name = Madagascar Development Funds| logo = | headquarters = Madagascar Development Partners LLC| contact = | website = [ link]| financedby = | aim = Thoug...
{{Financebox |
name = Madagascar Development Funds|
logo = |
headquarters = Madagascar Development Partners LLC|
contact = |
website = [ link]|
financedby = |

aim = Though MDP's objectives are clearly of financial nature, the company's philosophy is to contribute proactively to the sustainable development of Madagascar by creating a bridge of intellectual and financial capital between OECD investors and local opportunities as well as job opportunities, welfare and ultimately wealth for the local community.|
moreinfo =MDP has identified growth sectors that should carry the Malagasy economy to its next frontier.
MDP strives to build exposure to these sectors by carefully selecting companies and/or projects that will convert the vision in tangible achievements and results.
MDP continuously screens investment opportunities with the objective to further grow and diversify the portfolio.
The investment horizon is intended to be 7 to 10 years. |
sector = Financial services
Real estate
Agrobusiness |

target_org=Start-up, Young, SME |
target_projects= |
target_stadia= |
target_region= Africa|
target_countries=Madagascar |
target_criteria= Environmental, Social|

finance_mech =Equity, Mix |
finance_budget= |
finance_minimum=$500,000 |
finance_maximum=$5.000.000 |
finance_period= |

proc_application= |
proc_selection = |
Akvopedia-spade, administrator

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