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Déversoir tyrolien

63 bytes added, 09:14, 28 May 2018
Manuals, videos and links
The threshold can be a concrete elevation above the rocky bed of a mountain stream, or a vertical low weir structure, anchored in the embankment. The capacity of the inlet pipe / drain (diameter and gradient) should be 30% more than the design flow and have an uniform gradient to prevent accumulation of sand. The sedimentation tank can accumulate 1.5-2 m<sup>3</sup> of deposits and allows water to filter for 10 to 30 minutes at very low speed. It is cleaned by washing it out.
Several visits per year to the site are necessary for inspectionPlusieurs visites par an sur le sites sont nécessaires pour inspecter, cleaning and minor repairsnettoyer et effectuer des réparation mineures. OverallDans l'ensemble, maintenance is easy to carry out due to lowl'entretien est facile du fait de la structure rudimentaire et au recours à la main-tech structure and the use of local labour and materialsd'oeuvre et aux matériaux locaux.
Regular inspection and cleaning of the grit / rack and possibly the gutter and sedimentation tank is required during and after storm periods.
*Matériaux (excluding the pipe and sedimentation tank): US$ 300 - 600.
*Main-d'oeuvre (si le site est facilement accéssible): 30 - 50 jours-homme.
===ManualsManuels, videos and linksvidéos et liens===*[ Surface water intake and small damsApport en eau de surface et petits barrages]. Chapter Chapitre 11. Revised by Révisé par Nhamo Masanganise.
*CARE Nederland, Étude documentaire : [[Resilient WASH systems in drought-prone areas|Système de résistance WASH dans des régions sujettes à la sécheresse.]] Octobre 2010.

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