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Sludging - Baptist method

756 bytes removed, 14:15, 11 December 2009
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* [ Baptist well drilling in Bolivia], manual produced by Terry Waller.
* [ Baptist drilling in Africa], manual produced by Jan de Jongh, Arrakis.
==Movies/ presentations==* [ view_play_list?p=370A3B99269BC4FE Complete set of movies on Baptist well drilling], compiled by Paul Cloesen. The same movies can be found [ here on YouTube].
* [http://geocitieswaterforallinternational.comorg/paulcloesenvideos.aspx Video on Baptist well drilling] on Water for All international. * [ Powerpoint presentation on Baptist Drilling] by Terry Waller.
== Acknowledgements==
==External Links==
* Water for All - Website of Terry Waller on Baptist well drilling -] *[ Collection of documents on php?page=baptist_well_drilling_technology Baptist well drilling], article by Paul Cloesen.Arrakis]
* Rural Water Supply Network, [ article on Baptist drilling]. General [ manual drilling section of RWSN website].
* Baptist rural water supply technology: [] and []
*[ Baptist well drilling in Africa, Arrakis]
*[ OXFAM trial study on the use of the Baptist drilling method in Zambia, DAPP].
* Technical note 43. Simple drilling methods, Bob Elson and Rod Shaw, WEDC - An overview of simple drilling methods [ Download]. Website of [ Loughborough University Technical Briefs section]. Website of [ Loughborough University WELLS].
 *[ Baptist technology in Nicaragua]
*[ Spanish Baptist well drilling article on Wikipedia].
* The [ Wikipedia article on Baptist Drilling], orginally written by Paul Cloesen.
* [ A presentation on Baptist well drilling].
Akvopedia-spade, administrator

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