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Solution of the week 2

1,821 bytes added, 10:11, 8 December 2009
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The [[Treadle_pump|treadle pump]] fulfills all these demands with flying colors. It is a foot-powered water pump widely used in Asia and spreading in Africa. It consists of two metal cylinders with pistons that are operated by a natural walking motion on two treadles. It is ideally suited for use on small farms which draw irrigation water from 1-7 m deep. Because it is a suction pump, the depth is limited to about 8m.
[[Image:Treadle_pump.PNG|thumb|center|250px| Tippy Tap next A treadle pump, used for irrigation]] ===History===The treadle pump was designed by the Norwegian engineer, Gunnar Barnes in the 1970’s. It was first developed and used for irrigation in Bangladesh in the late 70’s. In the 1980s, <a href="">International Development Enterprise (IDE)</a>, led by the inspiring <a href="">Paul Polak</a>, initiated a campaign to market the pumps to smallholder farmers. Over the course of 12 years, 1.5 million treadle pumps were purchased by farmers, increasing the farmers income by $150 million annually. In 2006, the IDE treadle pump programme in India won an <a latrine href="">Ashden Award</a>.  The treadle pump is also being promoted in UgandaAfrica, by organizations such as <a href="">Kickstart</a>, under the name MoneyMaker, and <a href="">Enterprise Works</a>. The pumps are now widely used for small-scale "spray" irrigation.  ===Going strong===The treadle pump is very, very affordable. In Bangladesh a treadle pump costs US$ 20, and on average farmers make an additional US$100 per year in extra income. Currently, over 2 million treadle pumps have been installed worldwide, produced in 300 local workshops and used by more than one million poor rural families that otherwise could not have afforded an irrigation pump. Not bad for a humble pump, don’t you think? Additional links: *[[Akvo water solution of the week|Other blogs in this series]]*[[Treadle_pump|Akvopedia article on the Treadle pump]]*[ Treadle Pump programme, IDE-India]*[">Treadle pumps in Uttar Pradesh, India, introduced by IDE-India]
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