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School Sanitation Stories

12,160 bytes added, 21:38, 14 July 2016
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[[Image:susana logo.png|right|100px|]]

School Sanitation Stories show projects in the field in the various geographic regions around the world. Often NGOs are sharing their own projects, a technology is demonstrated, or a method of sustainable water and sanitation is shared. Many of these stories were compiled by [ SuSanA working groups].

<br> <!-- African section starts here -->

<div style=" background-color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 2px solid #d8d8d8; padding: 5px;">
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; background-color: #fff"
|<center> <font size="3" color="#555555"> '''Africa''' </font> </center>
<div style=" background-color: #efefef; text-align: center; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 5px solid #DEDEDE; padding: 5px;">
{|cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;"|
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png |center|100px|link=Water for People - School sanitation story from Rwanda]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png |center|100px|link=Social franchising partnerships for O&M - School sanitation business story from South Africa]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png|center|100px|link=Game Based Learning - WASH behaviour from Kenya]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image:school-san-stories-africa.png|100px|link=Locally made washable pads - Promotion days for girls from Uganda]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Water for People - School sanitation story from Rwanda | Water for People <br>sanitation - Rwanda]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Social franchising partnerships for O&M - School sanitation business story from South Africa | Social franchising <br>partnerships for O&M <br>- South Africa]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Game Based Learning - WASH behaviour from Kenya | Game Based Learning<br> - WASH behaviour <br>from Kenya]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Locally made washable pads - Promotion days for girls from Uganda | Promotion days for <br>girls from Uganda]]</center>
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;" |
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#DEDEDE;" |
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;" |
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png|center|100px|link=Menstrual cup distribution - health education story from Kenya]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png|center|100px|link=Intergenerational dialogue - WASH in schools from Kenya]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png|center|100px|link=Sustainable school sanitation concept - School sanitation story from Zambia]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-africa.png|center|100px|link=Teaching ecological sanitation in schools - School sanitation story from Zimbabwe]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Menstrual cup distribution - health education story from Kenya | Menstrual cup <br>distribution - Kenya]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Intergenerational dialogue - WASH in schools from Kenya | Intergenerational WASH<br> in schools dialogue<br> - Kenya]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Sustainable school sanitation concept - School sanitation story from Zambia | Sustainable school <br>sanitation concept<br> - Zambia]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Teaching ecological sanitation in schools - School sanitation story from Zimbabwe | Teaching ecological <br>sanitation in schools<br> - Zimbabwe]]</center>

<br> <!-- Latin American section starts here -->

<div style=" background-color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 2px solid #d8d8d8; padding: 5px;">
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; background-color: #fff"
|<center> <font size="3" color="#555555"> '''Latin America''' </font> </center>
<div style=" background-color: #efefef; text-align: center; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 5px solid #DEDEDE; padding: 5px;">
{|cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;"|
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-latin-america.png |center|100px|link=Promotion of healthy practices - Education project in Bolivia]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-latin-america.png |center|100px|link=Piloting ECOSAN in a rural school - School sanitation story from Colombia]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-latin-america.png|center|100px|link=Sarar Transformación - School sanitation story from Mexico]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Promotion of healthy practices - Education project in Bolivia | Promotion of healthy<br> practices -Bolivia]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Piloting ECOSAN in a rural school - School sanitation story from Colombia | Piloting ECOSAN<br> in a rural school <br>- Colombia]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Sarar Transformación - School sanitation story from Mexico | Sarar Transformación<br> sanitation - Mexico]]</center>

<br> <!--Southeast Asia, China, & India section starts here -->

<div style=" background-color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 2px solid #d8d8d8; padding: 5px;">
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; background-color: #fff"
|<center> <font size="3" color="#555555"> '''Southeast Asia, China, & India''' </font> </center>
<div style=" background-color: #efefef; text-align: center; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 5px solid #DEDEDE; padding: 5px;">
{|cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;"|
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-loas.png |center|100px|link=Urine Makes Money - Productive sanitation story from China]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-loas.png |center|100px|link=Cocopeat biofilter secondary treatment system - School wastewater story from Philippines]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-loas.png|center|100px|link=Putting sanitation first - School sanitation story from India]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image:school-san-stories-loas.png|100px|link=The Fit for School program - Education project in Philippines]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Urine Makes Money - Productive sanitation story from China | Urine Makes<br> Money - China]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Cocopeat biofilter secondary treatment system - School wastewater story from Philippines | Cocopeat biofilter <br>secondary treatment system<br> - Philippines]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Putting sanitation first - School sanitation story from India | Improved sanitation <br>facilities keep girls<br> in school - India]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[The Fit for School program - Education project in Philippines | The Fit for School <br>program - Philippines]]</center>
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;" |
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#DEDEDE;" |
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;" |
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-loas.png|center|100px|link=Replacing septic tanks by biogas digesters - School sanitation story from India]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-loas.png|center|100px|link=Raising awareness on MHM - Stories from India, Kenya and Bangladesh]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-loas.png|center|100px|link=Group Handwashing in Schools - WASH stories from Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia and Lao PDR]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Replacing septic tanks by biogas digesters - School sanitation story from India | Replacing septic <br>tanks by biogas <br>digesters - India]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Raising awareness on MHM - Stories from India, Kenya and Bangladesh | Raising awareness <br>on MHM -India, <br>Kenya and Bangladesh]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Group Handwashing in Schools - WASH stories from Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia and Lao PDR | Group Handwashing <br>in Schools - Philippines, <br>Indonesia, Cambodia<br> and Lao PDR]]</center>

<br> <!-- Europe / Central Asia section starts here -->

<div style=" background-color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 2px solid #d8d8d8; padding: 5px;">
{| border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; background-color: #fff"
|<center> <font size="3" color="#555555"> '''Europe / Central Asia''' </font> </center>
<div style=" background-color: #efefef; text-align: center; -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border: 5px solid #DEDEDE; padding: 5px;">
{|cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%"
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;"|
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-europe.png |center|100px|link=Ecological Sanitation for Rural Areas - School sanitation story from Kyrgyzstan]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-europe.png |center|100px|link=School competition "Toiletten machen Schule" - Awareness raising story from Germany]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-europe.png|center|100px|link=Water and Sanitation Safety Plan program - Awareness raising story from Moldova]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image:school-san-stories-europe.png|100px|link=Safe sanitation, health and dignity program - School sanitation story from Ukraine]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Ecological Sanitation for Rural Areas - School sanitation story from Kyrgyzstan | Ecological Sanitation<br> for Rural Areas <br>- Kyrgyzstan]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[School competition "Toiletten machen Schule" - Awareness raising story from Germany | School sanitation <br>competition - Germany]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Water and Sanitation Safety Plan program - Awareness raising story from Moldova | WASH Safety Plan <br>program - Moldova]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Safe sanitation, health and dignity program - School sanitation story from Ukraine | Safe sanitation, <br>health and dignity <br>program - Ukraine]]</center>
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;" |
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#DEDEDE;" |
|colspan="5" style="background-color:#efefef;" |
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-europe.png|center|100px|link=Ecological Sanitation for Rural Areas - School sanitation story from Tajikistan]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-europe.png|center|100px|link=ApaSan– Swiss water and sanitation project - School sanitation from Moldova]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|[[Image: school-san-stories-europe.png|center|100px|link=From WASH clubs to total sanitation - School sanitation story from Pakistan]]
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[Ecological Sanitation for Rural Areas - School sanitation story from Tajikistan | Ecological Sanitation<br> for Rural Areas<br> - Tajikistan]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[ApaSan– Swiss water and sanitation project - School sanitation from Moldova | ApaSan – Swiss water <br>and sanitation project<br> - Moldova]]</center>
|style="background:#efefef;"|<center>[[From WASH clubs to total sanitation - School sanitation story from Pakistan | From WASH clubs<br> to total sanitation<br> - Pakistan]]</center>

This collection of stories has been compiled by the [ SuSanA working groups].<br>
[[Image:susana logo.png|left|100px|]]
Akvopedia-spade, akvouser, bureaucrat, emailconfirmed, staff, susana-working-group-1, susana-working-group-10, susana-working-group-11, susana-working-group-12, susana-working-group-2, susana-working-group-3, susana-working-group-4, susana-working-group-5, susana-working-group-6, susana-working-group-7, susana-working-group-8, susana-working-group-9, susana-working-group-susana-member, administrator, widget editor

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