'''Public Domain:''' [http://www.rural-water-supply.net/en/implementation/proprietary-handpumps/nira-af-85-pump Nira AF-85], [http://www.rural-water-supply.net/en/resources/details/437 Tara Pump], [http://www.rural-water-supply.net/en/resources/details/334 Malda]
===Suitable conditions===
'''Range of depth:''' 0–12 m.
'''Area of use:''' Rural and low-income periurban areas, where groundwater tables are within 12 m of the surface.
===Construction, operations and maintenance===
The pump is operated by moving a handle up and down. As the plunger is located underwater, no priming is needed. Adults, and even children, can pump the water, although if the water table is below 5 m, this may be difficult for children. The pump stand and site must be kept clean.
— the force needed to pump the water may be too great for children, especially if the water table is below 5 m.
From about US$ 100 to over $ 900 (1985 prices). Models suitable for village level O&M cost less than US$ 150.
===Acknowledgements===* Brikke, François, and Bredero, Maarten. ''[http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CC0QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.who.int%2Fwater_sanitation_health%2Fhygiene%2Fom%2Flinkingintro/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/om/linkingintro.pdf&ei=cwJpT-zaO-OiiQKCst2rBw&usg=AFQjCNEWOQhTgF3a7lzhuw5OA2KmbVGxcA&sig2=Rt2EURUyGVqDcwFg6p0xAw Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff]''. World Health Organization and IRC Water and Sanitation Centre. Geneva, Switzerland 2003.