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Comparison of costs
* [[Brick cement tanktanque de ladrillo y cemento]] of de 6 m3: 3 bags of cementbolsas de cemento, 300 bricksladrillos, 3 kg of wire de alambre US$ 40 * [[Brick cement tanktanque de ladrillo y cemento]] of de 1 m3: 1 bag of cementbolsa de cemento, 100 bricksladrillos, 1 kg of wire de alambre US$ 20 * [[Plastic-lined tanktanque revestido en plástico]] of de 5 m3: US$ 50 * Sub-surface [[Classical ferrocement tanktanque clásico de ferrocemento|ferro-cement tanktanque de ferrocemento]] of subterráneo de 60 m3: US$ 1,900
===Field experiencesExperiencias en el terreno===* Rainwater harvesting is a technology which is extremely La captación de agua de lluvia es una tecnología extremadamente flexible and y adaptable to a wide variety of settings, it is used in the richest and poorest societies on the planetuna gran variedad de entornos. Se la utiliza en las sociedades más ricas y más pobres del planeta, and in the wettest and driest regions of the worldy en las regiones más húmedas y más secas del mundo.* In En Ocara, BrazilBrasil, rainwater tanks have been constructed of concrete blockslos tanques de agua de lluvia se construyen de bloques de concreto. * A low-cost option is the Una opción económica es el [[brick cement tanktanque de ladrillo y cemento]], used in for example que se utiliza por ejemplo en Nicaragua and y Ghana.
====Proyectos Akvo RSR projects====The following projects utilize rooftop rainwater harvestingLos siguientes proyectos utilizan captación de agua de lluvia en techos.
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===ManualsManuales, videos, and linksy enlaces=======ManualsManuales====* Download the book Descarga el libro [http://www.ircwash.org/resources/roofwater-harvesting-handbook-practitioners "Roofwater Harvesting: A Handbook for Practitioners"] from IRC.* Booklet Folleto [http://www.washdoc.info/docsearch/title/169828 Smart Water Harvesting Solutions]
* [http://www.nwp.nl/_docs/Smart-solutions-3R.spread.pdf Smart 3R Solutions]
====External linksEnlaces externos====
* [http://www.rainfoundation.org Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network (RAIN)]
* [http://practicalaction.org/energy/water-and-sanitation/rainwater_harvesting Rainwater Harvesting information on Practical Action]
* [[Solution_of_the_week_5|Akvo solution of the week 5]]
* Brikke, François, and Bredero, Maarten. [http://www.washdoc.info/docsearch/title/117705 Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff] or ([http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/hygiene/om/wsh9241562153/en/ alternative link]). World Health Organization and IRC Water and Sanitation Centre. Geneva, Switzerland 2003.
* CARE Nederland, Desk Study [[Resilient WASH systems in drought-prone areas]]. October 2010.