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<font size="3" color="#939393">Are you a professional working in WASHक्या आप एक प्रोफेशनल हैं जो वाश, water supply or agricultureजलापूर्ति या खेती के क्षेत्र में कार्यरत हैं? And are you looking for alternatives to conventional ways of water supply to make your project more sustainableऔर क्या आप किसी वैकल्पिक तरीके की तलाश कर रहे हैं जो आपकी परियोजना को अधिक स्थायी बना सके, or do you have problems with the availability of water resources in your projectया आपको अपनी परियोजना में जल संसाधनों की उपलब्धता का संकट है? Then this tool is designed for youअगर हां, तो यह उपकरण आपके लिए विकसित किया गया है!</font>
===Rain is Gain Toolरेन इज गेन टूल===
Discover what the potential of rainwater harvesting can be in your project. Go through the steps below, fill in your water needs and calculate your potential of rainwater supply. The Rain is Gain tool provides you with an estimate of quantity of rainwater that could be generated by various rainwater harvesting techniques in your project area. It helps you determine whether or not this is enough to meet your water expectations, including different solutions.