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===Manualsनियमावली, videos and linksवीडियो और लिंक===[http://www.connectinternational.nl/files/TubeRechargeManual_short_03.pdf Draft Short Manual On Tube Recharge Methodologyट्यूब रिचार्ज कार्यप्रणाली पर लघु पुस्तिका का मसौदा]. Arrakisएराकिस, 2006.
* [http://www.washdoc.info/docsearch/title/169828 Smart Water Harvesting Solutions: Examples of innovative, low cost technologies for rain, fog, and runoff water and groundwater.] (or [http://www.arcworld.org/downloads/smart%20water%20harvesting.pdf alternative link]) Netherlands Water Partnership, Aqua for All, Agromisa, et al. 2007.