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{{Language-box|english_link= Rope and bucket | french_link= Coming soon | spanish_link= Coming soon | hindi_link= Coming soon | malayalam_link= Coming soon | tamil_link= Coming soon | korean_link= Coming soon | chinese_link=绳子与水桶 | indonesian_link= Coming soon | japanese_link= Coming soon }}
[[Image:rope and bucket icon.png|right|80px]]
[ (Fass Toucouleur)法斯•图库勒尔水井改善工程Fass Toucouleur(法斯•图库勒尔)水井改善工程]]]__NOTOC__ <small-title />这一装置主要与手工挖掘井工具一同使用。将桶系在绳子上降到水中。当桶碰到水的时候会下沉并装满水,再用绳子把它拉上来。绳子可以由手拉动,运用滑轮或绕在绞盘上。有时,畜力牵拉可与滑轮一同使用。改良的装置会将绳子绕过滑轮,再用两只水桶——绳子两端各系一只水桶。对于浅于10米深的水而言,可以使用带有软管的绞盘,软管从水桶底部连到井的出水口。然而, 即使是水井受到保护,这一装置的卫生情况较差。绳桶装置主要用于手工挖掘井。将桶系在绳子上并降到水中,桶遇水后会下沉并打满水,随后再用绳子将其拉起。绳子可以由手拉动、运用滑轮或绕在绞盘上。有时,畜力牵拉可与滑轮一同使用。改良的装置中,绳子要绕过滑轮,还要用两只水桶(绳子两端各一只)。对于浅于10米的水,可使用带有软管的绞盘,软管从水桶底部连到井的出水口。然而,即使水井有防护装置,卫生情况仍较差。
- 通过畜力运作的绳与双桶提水装置每分钟能供水200多升<br>
| valign="top" | - 通过人力运作的绳桶提水装置每分钟仅能供水15升<br>
- 动物全年都需要养护,甚至不用灌溉时也要养护即使不用灌溉时,动物仍需要全年的养护<br>
- 传统的人畜运作设计相对低效(10-40%)<br>
深度范围:0–15米(或有时甚至更深)。 深度范围:0–15米(有时甚至更深)。
产水量:10米深时0.25 升/秒。
The simplest and cheapest method of lifting groundwater remains a rope and bucket in a wide, shallow well. This type of well can operate up to a depth of 100 metres, although they rarely exceed 45 metres. The rope and bucket lifter can be operated by humans or animals. Human operated rope and bucket lifters typically raise 10从地下打水最简易、廉价的方法仍是运用绳子和水桶在宽浅的井中提水。这类井最深能达100米,但一般都不会超过45米深。绳桶提水装置可由人力或畜力驱动。通常,人力绳桶装置每分钟能从10-15 litres/min from depths of 1015米深处打出10-15 metres whereas an animal water lifter can raise 150 litres/ min from 15 metres. In the animal driven rope and bucket lifter, the rope attached to the bucket is passed over a pulley and fixed to the animal. The animal is driven down on an earthen ramp sloped at an angle of 515升水,而畜力装置每分钟能从15米深处打出150升水。在畜力驱动的绳桶提水装置中,系在桶上的绳子穿过滑轮固定在动物身上。为了将水提起,动物会从一个5-10 degrees in order to lift the water.10度的斜土坡上往下走。
A self-emptying container or mohte can be used in place of the bucket. The system consists of a leather container, shaped like a funnel. The container can typically hold between 100 to 150 litres. This arrangement can discharge about 130 litres/ min at depths of up to 9 metres.可用能自动清空的容器(或称mohte)来替代水桶。这一装置包含一个形似漏斗的皮制容器。这样的容器通常能容纳100到150升水,每分钟能从最深9米处打水约130升。
The rope and bucket lifter can also be adapted to include two buckets which are raised and lowered alternately. In this case the pulling animal moves in a circular path and with the help of central rotating lever, rope and pulley arrangement the buckets move up and down. Each bucket has a carrying capacity of up to 70 litres. The buckets have a hinged flap at the bottom, which acts as a valve. Guide rods are provided in the well to control the movement of the buckets. The buckets are automatically filled and emptied during operation. This device can lift about 230 litres /min from depths of up to 5 metres.绳桶提水装置也能改装成双桶,打水时两桶上下交替进行。在此情况下,拉绳的动物在环形道上移动,借助中间的旋转杆、绳子和滑轮的作用,使水桶上下活动。每个水桶能容纳最多70升水。水桶底部有铰链翻片,起到阀门的作用。井中装有导杆,以控制水桶的活动。在运作过程中,水桶会自动装水和倒水。这一装置每分钟能从最深5米处打水约230升。
The bucket is lowered and raised by playing out and pulling in the rope, or by rotating the windlass. Care must be taken to prevent the rope or bucket from be- coming soiled. Preventive maintenance consists of greasing the bearings of the windlass or pulley.Small repairs are limited to patching holes in the bucket and hose, reconnecting the hinge of the bucket, and fixing the windlass bearings or handle. All small repairs can be done by local people, and with tools and materials available in the community or area. Major repairs and replacements mainly consist of replacing the bucket, hose, rope, or part or all of the windlass. Woven nylon ropes may last for two years, but twined nylon or sisal ropes last only a few months. A good-quality hose may last for over two years, and most buckets last a year (depending on the material and quality). When people use their own rope and bucket, no extra organization is required. For community wells, a community committee usually organizes the maintenance and cleaning of the well, maintenance of the windlass, etc. Most repairs can be paid with ad hoc fund-raising.水桶的升降由放绳和拉绳、或旋转绞盘来控制。一定要小心防止绳子或水桶受到污染。预防性的维护包括给绞盘或滑轮的轴承上油。小型维修仅限于修补水桶和软管上的洞眼、重连水桶上的铰链及修复绞盘的轴承或把柄。所有的小型维修可由当地人完成,工具和材料可从社区或本地区就地取材。大型维修、置换主要包括更换水桶、软管、绳子及部分或整体的绞盘。编织尼龙绳可用两年,但尼龙搓绳或琼麻绳只能用几个月。优质软管可以使用两年以上,大多数水桶则是一年(由材料与质量决定)。当人们使用自己的绳子与水桶时,不需要额外的组织工作。如果是社区水井,则通常由社区委员会组织水井的维护与清洁,以及绞盘维护,等。可由特别的募集活动来提供大多数修补用的资金。
Brikke and Bredero, in their publication Brikke和Bredero在其著作''[ Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff社区供水与公共卫生中的技术选择与运行维护:规划师与项目工作者参考资料]'', recommend the following O&M activities in the chart below:中,推荐下列图表中的运行与维护工作:
[[File:rope and bucket OM.jpg]]
Poor-quality rope deteriorates quickly (e.g. sisal rope lasts for only a few months); 劣质绳子会很快损坏(如,琼麻绳只能用几个月);<br>— The bucket falls into the well ... to prevent this, communities can keep a spare bucket and fit the bucket into a protective cage; 水桶可能会掉入井中……为防止这一点,社区可以留一个备用的水桶,并放在保护笼中;<br> — The hose breaks frequently in windlass-and-hose systems; 绞盘和软管装置中的软管会时常破裂;<br>— Poor hygiene, especially when the rope or bucket touches users’ hands or the ground; 卫生状况不佳,尤其是绳子或水桶与使用者的手或地面接触后;<br>— Communal wells tend to become more contaminated than family-owned wells, and the latter should be promoted whenever possible; 公共井比家庭私有井更容易遭受污染,应当尽可能推行后者;<br>— The rope-and-bucket system is only suitable for limited depths.绳桶装置只适用于有限深度。
From US$ 6 for a plastic bucket and 5 m of rope在利比里亚,从6美金一个塑料水桶和5米长的绳子,到150美金含一只绞盘、软管和封闭式的上层装置不等(Milkov, to US$ 150 with a windlass, hose and closed superstructure, in Liberia (Milkov, 1987).1987)。
Area of use: All over the world.使用地区:全世界。
* [ 3. REVIEW OF PUMPS AND WATER LIFTNG TECHNIQUES水泵与提水技术评述]. FAOFAO(联合国粮农组织).* [ HUMAN & ANIMAL POWERED WATER-LIFTING DEVICES FOR IRRIGATION用于灌溉的人力与畜力提水装置] (full PDF)(PDF全文). Practical ActionAction(实践基金会).* Extensive manual on water lifting methods: 提水方法广泛指南:[ WASH technology information packageWASH(水、环境卫生与个人卫生)技术信息包.] UNICEF, 2010UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会),2010.
* Brikke, François, and BrederoFrançois与Bredero, Maarten. [ Linking technology choice with operation and maintenance in the context of community water supply and sanitation: A reference document for planners and project staff社区供水与公共卫生中的技术选择与运行维护:规划师与项目工作者参考资料] or ([ alternative link其它链接]). World Health Organization and Organization(世界卫生组织)和 IRC Water and Sanitation CentreCentre(IRC水与卫生中心). Geneva, Switzerland 瑞士日内瓦 2003.* [ Human- & Animal-Powered Water Lifters for Irrigation用于灌溉的人力与畜力提水装置.] Practical ActionAction(实践基金会).

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