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781 bytes removed, 05:21, 22 September 2015
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Users may need to establish a local committee to manage issues, such as controlling or supervising water use, preventing water contamination, carrying out O&M activities, financing O&M, and monitoring how much stored water is still available (a piezometer or auger hole may be installed to allow a caretaker or watchman to estimate how much water is left and decide if rationing has to be introduced). Proper management may also help to prevent social conflict. For O&M tasks at the dam site, a person who lives or farms near this site could be appointed. This person could also be responsible for water allocation and be involved in monitoring activities, if users obtain the water near to, or at, the site. His or her authority should be clear and accepted by all users.使用人可能需要成立一个当地委员会来管理沙坝问题,如,控制或监督用水,防止水污染,运行与维护的实施与财政管理,以及监测还有多少储水可供使用(可能需要安装压强计或用螺旋钻钻孔,以便管理员或看守人可以判断剩余水量,并决定是否有必要采用定量配给制)。适当的管理也可帮助防止社会矛盾。沙坝现场的运行与维护任务可以指派给住在附近或在附近务农的人。如果使用沙坝的人在沙坝或附近取水,这个人也可以负责水的分配,并加入监督工作。这个人需要权利明晰,并由所有使用人同意。使用人可能需要成立一个当地委员会来管理沙坝问题,诸如,控制或监督用水,防止水污染,运行与维护的实施与财政管理,以及监测还剩余多少储水可供使用(可能需要安装压强计或用螺旋钻钻孔,以便管理员或看守人判断剩余水量,并决定是否有必要采用定量配给制)。适当的管理也可帮助防止社会矛盾。沙坝现场的运行与维护任务可以指派给住在附近或在附近务农的人。如果使用人在沙坝或附近取水,这个人也可以负责水的分配,并加入监督工作。这个人需要权力明晰,并由所有使用人同意。
In order to insure success at all stages of construction, operations and maintenance, the local community needs to be trained as well to manage and maintain the dam. Promote catchment-level planning & management so that varying groups have a vested interest in the same source. They can start to address

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