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In Kenya, it has been used with good outcome in the Kitui, Machakos and Samburu districts. Other countries with similar dry environments such as the U.S.A, Thailand, Ethiopia and Namibia also have used it in numerous and diverse forms.在肯尼亚,基图伊、马查科斯和桑布鲁地区使用了沙坝,并取得了良好的成效。其它有相似的干燥环境的国家,例如,美国、泰国、埃塞俄比亚和纳米比亚,也以多种多样的形式使用沙坝。
SASOL Foundation has since 1995 built over 500 dams. They are built using locally available materials and are partially (40%) financed by the local community. The community is also involved in the construction and maintenance. Sand management groups were formed to aid in the construction of dams and to maintain them after. SASOL基金会自1995年起已建造了超过500座水坝。这些水坝是运用当地可供的材料建造的,并且,部分(40%)是由当地社区出资的。社区也参与沙坝的建造和维护。为了在建坝期间提供帮助,并在竣工后进行维护,若干个沙子管理组由此建立。)是由当地社区出资的。社区也参与沙坝的建造和维护。为了在建坝期间提供帮助,并在竣工后进行维护,若干个沙地管理组由此建立。
The dams not only provide a steady source of drinking water, but also have further social and economic benefits. They provide irrigation for cash crops and other commercial rural activities, piped water for industrial activities in nearby villages. Further due to the large number of dams, the water table rises over a large area and therefore stimulates ecological regeneration. 水坝不仅能提供稳定的饮用水源,也能带来更深远的社会和经济利益。它们能为经济作物及其它农村商业活动提供灌溉,也为邻近村庄的工业活动提供自来水。而且,由于水坝数量众多,大区域的地下水位升高,因此促进了生态复兴。
Communities in this area depend on agriculture and livestock farming, which is very limited due to the unstable water supply. In 2007 several NGOs implemented 7 sand dams and 10 surface runoff tanks. This combination should provide a reliable source of water for 10 communities in the area. The project will in the future expand to other parts of the country also.这里的社区依靠农业和畜牧业为生,但供水不稳定,因而非常受限。2007年,几个非政府组织建成了7座沙坝和10个地标径流水池。这样的组合能为这里的10个社区提供可靠的水源。这一项目也会在将来扩展到埃塞俄比亚的其它地区。这里的社区依靠农业和畜牧业为生,但供水不稳定,因而非常受限。2007年,几个非政府组织建成了7座沙坝和10个地表径流池。这样的组合能为这里的10个社区提供可靠的水源。这一项目也会在将来扩展到埃塞俄比亚的其它地区。
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