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13 bytes added, 03:06, 28 August 2015
Field experiences
* 推土机的盛行使得农民能更容易地修建或修补被损的建筑物。但问题是上游的农民可以修建更大的建筑物,因此有时候对下游产生了巨大的影响。而且因为推土机使用和维护成本高,农民很难承担这些费用。小型农民群体也无力提供支持,因此最好能由当地政府提供支持,或者由私有企业提供补助。
===Field experiences实地经验===[[Image:FloodwaterSpreading.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Plan of how floodwaters will spread. Click image to zoom. 洪水疏导计划方案。点击图片放大。 <br> Drawing图片来源: [ ''Strategies for Managed Aquifer Recharge 在半干旱地区实施含水层补给(MAR) in semi-arid areas.策略。''] UNESCO.联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)。]]
Overexploitation of groundwater has caused significant drawdown of the water table (1.5m/year) and deterioration of groundwater quality in the Dorz Sayban Plain, which is located 115 km to the southeast of Larestan, Iran. 3500 hectares of land are irrigated using groundwater in this plain. To decrease the rate of the drawdown of the water table, five floodwater spreading systems for recharge of groundwater were designed and constructed in the region 1983 and 2001.

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