* Informe IWMI - [http://www.musproject.net/redir/content/download/584/5342/file/IWMI%20research%20report%2098%20multiple%20use%20water%20services.pdf Multiple-Use water services to advance the millennium development goals].
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* Schouten, T.; Moriarty, P. 2003. Community water, community management – From system to service in rural areas. La Haya, Holanda: IRC Centro Internacional de Agua Potable y Saneamiento y ITDG
* Informe IWMI - [http://www.musproject.net/redir/content/download/584/5342/file/IWMI%20research%20report%2098%20multiple%20use%20water%20services.pdf Multiple-Use water services to advance the millennium development goals].