==Construction, operations & maintenance==
[[Image:rooftop catchment.jpg|thumb|right|300px200px|Rooftop catchment. Drawing: WHO.]]
====Catchment & storage tanks====
====The EMAS filtration system ====
[[Image:rainwater capture2.jpg|thumb|right|300px200px|Two houses are connected to a rainwater capture unit, then a spout provided from the tank. Photo: [http://ispafrica.org/gallery-water.html Insieme Si Puo' in Africa]]]
The EMAS system for rainfall collection uses various EMAS technologies as well as simple tools to convert rainwater into usable drinking water. If roof rainwater is being used, it is collected through a regular gutter. To filter the water, at the bottom of the gutter, a pitcher or ferrocement tank is placed, with an outlet pipe. A synthetic cloth bag is attached to the rim of the pitcher using an iron ring or wire, which fits around the edge. The bag should be cleaned every 3 months.
— training local craftsmen to carry out larger repairs.<br>
[[File:OandM.jpg|thumb|none|600px500px| Chart: WHO. <ref name="WHO 1"/>]]
====Potential problems====