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Mozambique: Reaching the pro-poor through innovative connection charges
====Mozambique: Reaching the pro-poor through innovative connection charges====
In 2010, the Mozambique water-sector asset owner and investment agency (FIPAG) reduced the connection fee by 50% and now allows fee payment over a period of 12 months. This has led to a sharp increase in the connection rate among low-income householders, most of whom previously paid much higher per-litre prices for lower-quality water from informal suppliers (on average about 40% more) (Norman, 2012). The 5-year target is to expand from 100,000 to 300,000 utility-connected customers in the capital city of Maputo alone. Norman (2012, page 18); ‘The ''The cost to FIPAG of about $75 per connection, is being met : a) by streamlining connection processes and thus reducing per-connection cost, b) by levying a new surcharge on water supply to the country’s ports, and c) by setting up a revolving fund to finance the remaining balance.''
====South Africa: Free Basic Water====
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