|[[Image:Aquaculture_ponds.png |right|300px]]
[[Image:Icon_aquaculture.png |right|95px]]
'''Aquaculture refers to the controlled cultivation of aquatic plants and animals; this technology sheet refers exclusively to the raising of fish while the following page on [[Floating Plant (Macrophyte) Pond|Floating Macrophytes]] addresses the cultivation of plants. Fish can be grown in ponds where they feed on algae and other organisms that grow in the nutrient-rich water. Through feeding, the nutrients from the wastewater are removed and the fish are eventually harvested for consumption.'''
The fish need to be harvested when they reach an appropriate age/size. Sometimes after harvesting, the pond should be drained so that (a) it can be desludged and (b) it can be left to dry in the sun for 1 to 2 weeks to destroy any pathogens living on the bottom or sides of the pond.
==AcknowledgementsReferences=={{:Acknowledgements Sanitation}}
* Cointreau, S., et al. (1987). [http://www.kit.nl/library/query.ashx?RecordID==References and external links==108222 Aquaculture with treated wastewater: a status report on studies conducted in Lima, Perú]. Technical Note 3. UNDP/World Bank, Washington D.C. USA. 1987.
* CointreauCross, SP.and Strauss, et alM. (19871985). Aquaculture with treated wastewater[http: a status report on studies conducted in Lima, Perú//books. Technical Note 3google. UNDPcom/World Bank, Washington Dbooks/about/Health_Aspects_of_Nightsoil_and_Sludge_U.Chtml?id=LsGwGAAACAAJ Health Aspects of Nightsoil and Sludge Use in Agriculture and Aquaculture]. USA. 1987International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
* CrossEdwards, P. and StraussPullin, MRSV. (1985eds)(1990). [http://www. Health Aspects of Nightsoil and Sludge Use in Agriculture and bvsde.paho.org/bvsacd/cd68/advanced.pdf Wastewater-Fed Aquaculture. Proceedings: International Reference Centre Seminar on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Waste DisposalAquaculture, DübendorfCalcutta, SwitzerlandIndia]. Compilation of topical papers.
* EdwardsIqbal, P. and Pullin, RSVS. (eds) (19901999). Wastewater[http://www.eawag.ch/forschung/sandec/publikationen/wra/dl/duckweed.pdf Duckweed Aquaculture-Fed Aquaculture. Proceedings: International Seminar on Potentials, Possibilities and Limitations for Combined Wastewater Reclamation Treatment and Reuse for AquacultureAnimal Feed Production in Developing Countries]. Sandec, CalcuttaDübendorf, IndiaSwitzerland. (Compilation of topical papers)
* Iqbal, S. Joint FAO/NACA/WHO Study Group (1999). Duckweed Aquaculture-Potentials, Possibilities and Limitations for Combined Wastewater Treatment and Animal Feed Production in Developing Countries[http://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/fs_management/en/aquaculture.pdf Food safety issues associated with products from aquaculture]. World Health Organization Technical Report Series No. 883. Available: http://www. Sandec, Dübendorf, Switzerlandwho.int
* Joint FAO/NACA/WHO Study Group Mara, DD. (19992004). Food safety issues associated with products from aquaculture. World Health Organization Technical Report Series No. 883. Available: [http://www.whopseau.org/outils/ouvrages/earthscan_ltd_domestic_wastewater_treatment_in_developing_countries_2003.pdf Domestic Wastewater Treatment in Developing Countries]. Earthscan, London. pp 253–261.int
* MaraPolprasert, DDC., et al. (20042001). Domestic [http://www.who.int Wastewater Treatment in Developing CountriesII, Natural Systems for Wastewater Management]. Lecture Notes. EarthscanIHE, LondonDelft. pp 253–261Chapter 8 - Aquaculture and Reuse Aspects.
* PolprasertRose, C., et alGD. (20011999). [http://www.pseau.org/outils/ouvrages/crdi_community_based_technologies_for_domestic_wastewater_treatment_and_reuse_options_for_urban_agriculture_1999.pdf Community-Based Technologies for Domestic Wastewater Treatment II, Natural Systems and Reuse: options for Wastewater Management. Lecture Notes. IHE, Delfturban agriculture]. Available: [ http://wwwidrinfo.whoidrc.int (Chapter 8 - Aquaculture and Reuse Aspects)ca IDRC Ottawa].
* RoseSkillicorn, GDW., Journey, K. and Spira, P. (19991993). Community-Based Technologies for Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse[http: options for urban agriculture//infohouse. IDRC Ottawap2ric. Available: http:org/ref/09/idrinfo08875.idrchtm Duckweed aquaculture: A new aquatic farming system for developing countries]. World Bank, Washington, DC.ca
* Skillicorn, W., Journey, K. and Spira, P. (1993). Duckweed aquaculture==Acknowledgements=={{: A new aquatic farming system for developing countries. World Bank, Washington, DC. Available: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/09/08875.htm (Comprehensive manual)Acknowledgements Sanitation}}