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Pour Flush Toilet

7 bytes added, 00:35, 10 January 2013
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|[[Image:Pour_flush_toilet.png |right|300px]]
'''A Pour Flush Toilet is like a regular Flush Toilet except that instead of the water coming from the cistern above, it is poured in by the user. When the water supply is not continuous, any cistern Flush Toilet can become a Pour Flush Toilet.'''
Just like a traditional Flush Toilet, there is a water sealthat prevents odours and flies from coming back upthe pipe.
Water is poured into the bowl to flush the toilet of excreta;approximately 2 to 3L is usually sufficient. The quantityof water and the force of the water (pouring from aheight often helps) must be sufficient to move the excretaup and over the curved water seal.
Both pedestals and squatting pans can be used in thepour flush mode. Due to demand, local manufacturershave become increasingly efficient at mass-producingaffordable, Pour Flush Toilets and pans. Toilets can be made from plastic and ceramic, or from galvanized sheet metal.
The S-shape of the water seal determines how muchwater is needed for flushing. To reduce water requirements,it is advisable to collect toilet paper or other drycleansing materials separately.
The waterseal at the bottom of the Pour Flush Toilet orpan should have a slope of 25 to 30°. Water seals shouldbe made out of plastic or ceramic to prevent clogs and tomake cleaning easier (concrete may clog more easily if itis rough or textured). The optimal depth of the water sealis approximately 2cm to minimize the water required toflush the excreta. The trap should be approximately 7cmin diameter.
The water seal is effective at preventingodours and it is appropriate for those who sit or squat(pedestal or slab) as well as those who cleanse withwater. It is only appropriate when there is a constantsupply of water available, and where the infrastructure is available or can be built to manage waste water.
The Pour Flush Toilet requires(much) less water than a traditional cistern Flush Toilet.However, because a smaller amount of water is used,the Pour Flush Toilet may clog more easily and thusrequire more maintenance.
If water is available, this type of toilet is appropriate forboth public and private applications. Pour Flush Toilets are adequate for almost all climates.
Pour Flush Toilets are especially appropriate in densely populated areas where dry handling of excreta isn't socio-cultural appropriate.
==Health Aspects/Acceptance==
The Pour Flush Toilet(or squatting pan) prevents users from seeing or smellingthe excreta of previous users. Thus, it is generallywell accepted. Provided that the water seal is working well, there should be no odours and the toilet should be clean and comfortable to use.
Because there are no mechanical parts,Pour Flush Toilets are quite robust and rarely requirerepair. Despite the fact that water is used continuously in thetoilet, it should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of organics and or/stains.
To prevent clogging of Despite the fact that water is used continuously in the Pour Flush Toilettoilet, it is recommendedthat dry cleansing materials should be collected separatelycleaned regularly to prevent the build up of organics and not flushed down the toiletor/stains.
==Acknowledgements=={{:Acknowledgements Sanitation}}To prevent clogging of the Pour Flush Toilet, it is recommended that dry cleansing materials be collected separately and not flushed down the toilet.
==References and external links==
* Roy, AK., et al. (1984). Manual on the Design, Construction and Maintenance of Low-Cost Pour Flush Waterseal Latrines in India (UNDP Interreg. Project INT/81/047). The World Bank + UNDP, Washington.(Provides specifications for Pour Flush Toilets and connections.). Available in the IRC Digital Library, [].
{{:Acknowledgements Sanitation}}
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