|website = [www.gefweb.org link] and their Community Action Global Impact site: [http://sgp.undp.org/ link]
|financedby =World Bank
|moreinfo = With a presence in 126 developing countries and having provided more than 14,500 grants worldwide by 2012, GEF SGP’s cumulative experience and results have demonstrated that supporting communities in their efforts to achieve more sustainable livelihoods is not only possible, but necessary for achieving global environmental benefits.
|target_org=|target_projects=GEF SGP primarily works in five GEF focal areas: conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, protection of international waters, reduction of chemicals such as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and prevention of land degradation, including sustainable forest management. Adaptation to climate change activities are funded by the GEF Strategic Priority for Adaptation and other donors. The overall GEF SGP project portfolio comprises 60 percent biodiversity, 20 percent climate change, 6 percent international waters, and 14 percent multifocal issues.
The principle objectives of the GEF Small Grants Programme are to: <br>
|finance_budget=More than $1 million per project
|finance_maximum= $US 50,000 per project
|finance_period=All year round