→Reference manuals, videos, and links
* KOEGEL, R. (1985) Self Help Wells, FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, FAO, Rome.ISBN 92-5-100398-X [http://www.fao.org/docrep/X5567E/X5567E00.htm html version].
* [http://www.rural-water-supply.net/en/implementation/manual-drilling/171174-manual-percussion-drilling sludging Rural Water Supply Network article on Hand PercussionSludging]
* CARTER, R. C. (2005) Human-Powered Drilling Technologies. an overview of human-powered drilling technologies for shallow small diameter well construction, for domestic and agricultural water supply , Silsoe College , Cranfield University , Bedfordshire, UK [http://www.rural-water-supply.net/en/resources/details/402 Download]