==Construction, operations and maintenance==
MAR methods may be grouped into the following broadapproaches (Figure 3.5):
* Spreading methods – such as [[infiltration ponds]], soil-aquifer treatment, in which overland flows are dispersed to encourage groundwater recharge;
* In-channel modifications – such as percolation ponds, [[sand damsdam]], [[subsurface damsdam]], [[leaky dams]] and recharge releases, in which direct river channel modifications are made to increase recharge;
* [[Wells, shafts, and boreholes]] recharge – in which infrastructure are developed to pump water to an aquifer to recharge it and then either withdraw it at the same or a nearby location (e.g. aquifer storage and recovery, ASR);
* Induced bank infiltration – in which groundwater is withdrawn at one location to create or enhance a hydraulic gradient that will lead to increased recharge (e.g. bank filtration, dune filtration)
* [[Rainwater harvesting]] – in which rainfall onto hard surfaces (e.g. building roofs, paved car parks) is captured in above or below ground tanks and then allowed to slowly infiltrate into soil.