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ASN Bank

87 bytes added, 14:00, 4 July 2008
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location = The Netherlands|
orgtype = Commercial Bank |
class = Bank Funding agency|
keywork = sustainability, <br /> Information distribution |
website = []
The ASN Bank, set up in 1960, is an enterprise which aims to promote a sustainable society and is guided by that aim in its economic activities. Promoting a sustainable society is seen by the bank “as contributing towards changes intended to put an end to processes whose adverse consequences are postponed until a future time, or passed on to the environment, nature or the poor.”
The ASN Bank invests its money in accordance with clear principles, where sustainability and yield go hand in hand. For the ASN Bank, sustainability means a society where economic, ecological and social interests are well balanced. The bank applies strict criteria to its capital spending and portfolio investment. For example, it does not invest in the weapons industry, the nuclear industry, and preferably not in alcohol and tobacco manufacturing. It also avoids companies that use animal testing, child labour and genetic modification (except where there is a proven medical need). It prefers to invest in companies which make a positive contribution to environmental improvement and human rights, and which apply a good social policy. The ASN Bank works closely with public organisations concerned with the South, the environment and human rights. Customers have the opportunity to donate the interest on their savings directly to these good causes.
== Main activities ==
* International investments
* Business development
== External links ==
* [ ASN Bank's web site]

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