Integrated irrigation systems

The Zimbabwe-based Integrated Irrigation Systems (IIS) has developed a drip irrigation kit for a 10,000-m2 area. The IIS kit is primarily aimed at small-scale commercial growers and is supplied in a complete kit form that enables the farmer to install and commission the scheme easily and conveniently on his own.
The irrigated area measuring 102 m wide and 110 m long is subdivided into eight sections that are irrigated independently of each other. Each section comprises a manifold controller that is complete with control valve, screen filter and pressure regulator. The manifold connects to a submain pipe connecting to 10 drip tubes. The number of manifolds that can be operated at any one time will depend on the available water.
Construction, operations and maintenance
System components
- 120- micron disc filter station with fertigation injector couplers
- Mainline and manifolds
- Manifold controllers with pressure regulators and vacuum release valves on each controller
- Infield off-takes, fittings and couplings
- Drip tape
- Accessories kit (for assembling)
- Lay-flat punch (for lay-flat kit only)
- Tools necessary for assembling and installation include hacksaw (PVC version) and scissors or sharp knife for cutting the drip tape laterals.
Assembly instructions
- Prepare a fairly flat field with a gradient of less than 2% measuring 102 m wide and 110 m long.
- Carefully unwind the drip tape from the reel to avoid stretching and twisting and do not drag it over rough ground or surfaces that could cause damage to the edges of the tapes.
- Lay the drip tape with the emitters facing upwards, according to instructions printed on the drip tape, to prevent any sediment that may have inadvertently entered the drip tube clogging the emitters.
- Connect the other components according to supplied instructions.
Manuals, videos, and links
- Sijali, Isaya V. DRIP IRRIGATION: Options for smallholder farmers in eastern and southern Africa. RELMA, 2001.