IDE system

International Development Enterprises of Colorado, USA, designed and tested a drum kit system which can irrigate 520 vegetable plants. The drum kit consists of 130 pipes (1-mm diameter) called micro-tubes, fitted to 5 rows of 12-mm diameter PE laterals. Water from the drum flows out in a small stream from all 130 micro-tubes. The water then spreads out in a circular pattern to about 0.5-m radius. Four plants are planted in each of the circles.
Uses of a drum system
A drum system covering 5 beds each 1 m wide and 15 m long can be used to grow 250 plants (tomato, egg plant and similar plants requiring a spacing of 60 cm along the plant rows); 500 plants (spinach, cabbage, kale, pepper and similar plants requiring a spacing of 30 cm along the plant rows); or 1,500 plants (onion, carrot and similar plants requiring a spacing of 10 cm). The drum system also offers water storage and control through a control valve, making it possible to fill the drum for irrigating at another time.
Six examples are presented: the KARI drum system from Kenya, the Waggon Wheel system from South Africa, the Family, Plastro and Micro-Tal systems from Israel, and the IDE drum used in India.
Suitable conditions
Field tests are reported to have been carried out on vegetables in the hill areas of Nepal and in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Construction, operations and maintenance
The standard drum kit system comprises a drum, control valve, a manifold and drip lines. The drum should be filled with the valve in the closed position. To irrigate it is important to open the valve fully. This allows the water to be distributed quickly through the drip lines and allows for good water distribution.
System components
- 200-litre drum
- Tap
- Line filter
- 16 mm submain pipe
- 5 x 10 m PE laterals (12-mm diameter) fitted with 26 micro-tubes (1-mm diameter)
- 5 end caps.
Assembly instructions
- Prepare the area to be irrigated.
- Mount the drum.
- Connect laterals to a 200-litre drum of water by a 16 mm-diameter pipe (submain).
- Unroll all the pipes, lay them on the ground and connect to the drum. A manual is provided with the kit as a pictorial guide to correct installation and planting.
Reference manuals, videos, and links
- International Development Enterprises. Drip irrigation provides farmers the most efficient way to grow crops in water scarce areas, but historically has been too expensive for small-plot farmers. After first approaching manufacturers of commercial drip irrigation systems, IDE developed its own design for small farmers.
- Sijali, Isaya V. DRIP IRRIGATION: Options for smallholder farmers in eastern and southern Africa. RELMA, 2001.