ICCO and Food Security
ICCO Food & Nutrition Security Expertise
At the global level, ICCO-cooperation provides a multidisciplinary team:
- food security and nutrition specialists
- planning, monitoring and evaluation expert
- capacity building and organizational development expert
These experts work closely with regional program officers, who support and maintain contact with a wide range of partner coalitions in 14 different countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Based on the above described approach, track record, network and multi-disciplinary team the following FNS related services can be provided:
- technical backstopping for elaboration of FNS related theory of change, including maternal and child feeding practices and care;
- technical backstopping for design of contextualized approach/intervention strategies towards improved feeding and care practices for specific target groups, including behavior change;
- draft mechanism for monitoring, evaluation and learning of FNS related interventions
- facilitate linkages with international and national FNS policy and research institutes, leveraging intervention strategies and impact.
- Systematize experiences, lessons learned and ‘feed’ these back into project planning and implementation process.