ICCO extras
ICCO and Food Security
Programs in operation
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Strategic Partnerships
In collaboration with AKVO/FLOW, registration and centralization of research data is done by using mobile phones and a web based portal, this innovative approach provides for more viable data from the field and additional possibilities towards its use and related learning.
With BoP Inc and TNO, we work on FNS related inclusive innovation trajectories, which provides the opportunity to generate, test and validate new approaches and the potential for leveraging and scaling up. An example includes the Flying Food project. It began as an ‘out of the box’ idea to combine Dutch expertise on rearing insects with traditional African habits to consume insects gathered from the wild, establishing local insect rearing units in Kenya. Currently the Dutch Ministry of Cooperation supports a multi-annual project to establish an inclusive value chain on crickets for consumption in Kenya and Uganda, including 4.000 small farmers, half of which being women. A next common initiative forms the promotion of good feeding practices for infant and young children, adolescent girls and pregnant and lactating women, combining nutrition education and social marketing strategies towards behavioral change.
With The Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition (AIM), a public-private partnership, with among others WUR/CDI, Unilver, DSM, RAbobank and Rijkzwaan to improve dietary diversity of 7,5 million people and train 35.000 people to produce nutritious foods and to reach 65 million by behavioral change campaigns. Examples of activities are: improved vegetable production (with Rijkzwaan), fortification of dairy (with DSM), rural retail hubs (with Spar) and financial services (with Rabo). AIM is supported for 11 million by the the Ministry for Development Cooperation. In addition we maintain working relations with staff from the Royal Tropical Institute, FAO and UNICEF.
ICCO Food & Nutrition Security Expertise |
At the global level, ICCO-cooperation provides a multidisciplinary team:
These experts work closely with regional program officers, who support and maintain contact with a wide range of partner coalitions in 14 different countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Based on the above described approach, track record, network and multi-disciplinary team the following FNS related services can be provided: