This list of Grant providers was compiled by the MicroWaterFacility. Currently, it contains mainly Dutch funds. It is intended as a list which can be added to by others and as such, it does not claim to be complete. Click on the name to go to the website.
Kind of project
Aim of fund
Innovation Vouchers
1) Innovative research that contributes to the development of the Dutch economy. 2) Octrooi aanvragen
Innovation vouchers enable SMEs to submit research questions to knowledge institutes, thereby encouraging meetings between the two. Vouchers are given to SMEs that need a little bit of research to innovate products, production processes or services. After completing their research, knowledge institutes can cash the vouchers with SenterNovem.
Innovations in: 1. water engineering, 2. watermanagement, 3. watertreatment, 4. maritime
One of the aims of the Innowator programme is to reduce the 'time to market' new and innovative products. The subsidies can be used by Dutch companies to develop ideas into prototypes that are ready for the market. The 2008 tender both focusses on national and international cooperation. For the international cooperation the programme cooperates with the Eureka programme.
Partners voor Water II
1. Water, Food and Nutre, 2. Water and Climate, 3. Millennium Development Goals on water and sanitation, 4. Integrated Water Resources Management, 5. Groundwater
Partners voor Water stimulates innovative water projects with cooperative foreign partners by subsidising their projects. The aim of the project is to increase compatibility of Dutch expertise to the international market and to help solve the world water problems.
Schokland Fonds (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands)
Projects that contribute to achieving the millennium development goals.
To increase societal contribution to the MDG's
DGIS-NWP PPP WASH programme (previous TRUST)
Water and sanitation projects in development countries
Aim of the programme is to attain sustainable water and sanitation for 10 million people before2015.
2g@there programme
Hightech systems & materials, Water, food &flowers, lifesciences & health, Chemistry, energie, infrastructure and creative industries.
Supports Dutch entrepreneurs doing international businesses and have specific foreign partners.
Aqua for All (A4A)
Water and sanitation projects in development countries
Dutch NGO supporting projects and businesses that contribute to MDG 7
Indonesia Facility
Good governance, education, agriculture, water management, infrastructure, environment, sustainable investment climate.
Het doel van de Indonesiëfaciliteit is het leveren van een bijdrage aan duurzame ontwikkeling in Indonesië door middel van activiteiten gericht op capaciteitsversterking ter bevordering van stabiliteit en veiligheid in maatschappelijke, economische en ecologische zin, en het bevorderen van het investeringsklimaat voor duurzaam ondernemen.
Rockefeller Foundation
The Rockefeller Foundation attempts to harness the creative forces of globalization, supporting breakthrough solutions to 21st century challenges. This is smart globalization: ensuring that the opportunities unleashed by globalization are accessible to more people, more fully, in more places — and that poor and vulnerable people are equipped to seize them.
onderwijs, lokaal ondernemerschap, zorg, landbouw en visserij, water en milieu en overige thema's zoals sport, cultuur en toerisme.
Het loket voor particuliere initiatieven van Edukans, ICCO en Kerk in Actie steunt (kleinschalige) projecten op het gebied van ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Impulsis is een van de medefinancieringsorganisaties die gesteund worden door het Ministerie van Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en is mede verantwoordelijk voor het versterken van draagvlak in de samenleving voor internationale samenwerking.
Rotary Foundation (matching grants)
Waterprojects, community projects, youth projects and scholarships
De missie van de Rotary Foundation is het in staat stellen van Rotarians om " world wide understanding" goodwill en vrede te bevorderen door de verbetering van gezondheid, de ondersteuning van onderwijs en de verlichting van armoede.
Kind of project
Aim of fund
Global Environment Facility - Expedited enabling activity grants
1.Water-body based operational programmes. 2.Integrated land and water projects. 3. Sustainable land management.
To help countries prepare national inventories, strategies, and action plans for sustainable development of international waters
Global Environment Facility - Project preparation and development Facility
1.Water-body based operational programmes. 2.Integrated land and water projects. 3. Sustainable land management.
To fund the very early stages of projects or programmes identification, which are approved through GEF's implementing agencies. To provide additional financing, where required, for larger projects to complete technical design and feasibility work. To fund information gathering necessary to complete project proposals and provide necessary supporting documentation
Full-Sized Project funding
1.Water-body based operational programmes. 2.Integrated land and water projects. 3. Sustainable land management.
Medium-Sized Project Funding
1.Water-body based operational programmes. 2.Integrated land and water projects. 3. Sustainable land management.
"The GEF will fund projects that are country-driven and based on national priorities designed to support sustainable development, as identified within the context of national programs."
Small Grants Program
Climate change, biodiversity, protection of international waters, organic pollutants, land degradation
SGP is rooted in the belief that global environmental problems can best be addressed if local people are involved and there are direct community benefits and ownership. SGP is convinced that with small amounts of funding, members of local communities can undertake activities that will make a significant difference in their lives and environments, with global benefits, in contrast with top-down, expert-reliant development interventions.
Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA)
Water supply, Environmental infrastructure, Disaster relief measures, reconstruction
To support social development: the priority is given to projects that answer the most basic needs of human life
Strengthening of sustainable international development
Ford Foundation
To promote international co-operation
Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation
Supports work to reduce poverty and hunger and to expand access to information in the developing world.
The Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
Aims to support individuals, institutions and organisations striving to make a difference
Sir Ratan Tata Trust
The Trust supports efforts in the development of society
Fondation Ensemble
Safe Water Network
[ The Coca Cola Foundation]
We are committed to investing our time, expertise and resources to help develop and maintain vibrant, sustainable and local communities.
PepsiCo Foundation
We are currently restructuring our grant making process. We will be unable to accept grant request applications between May 15 and June 15, 2008* in order to update our applications.
Kind of project
Aim of fund
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
To promote effective water management policies and practices
African Development Bank (AFDB)
Urban development, Integrated water management,water partnerships, regional initiatives, programme co-ordination.
Sustainable social, environmental and economic development
Water Partnership Program
Capacity building, Dam planning, Environment flow, flood management, Groundwater management, International waters, Livelihoods of the poor. Reforming irrigation and drainage institutions. River basin management. Wastewater management. Water Resources legislation and national strategies. Water rights systems. Watershed management.
Formerly the Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership (BNWP), Water Partnership Program is a program to improve delivery of water supply and sanitation services to the poor. BNWP enhances performance of World Bank operations in the water supply and sanitation sector and supports a broad sector reform agenda with a strong poverty focus. BNWP supports the international effort to reach the Millennium Development Goals, especially to halve – by 2015 - the proportion of people without access to safe water and basic sanitation. Description.
Inter American Development Bank (IADB)
To transfer know-how and expertise to the less developed countries of the region