Femsa Foundation

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Femsa Foundation
Location: FEMSA Foundation

General Anaya No. 601 Pte.
Col. Bella Vista
Apdo. Postal 2001
64410 Monterrey, N.L.

Contact: Phone: +52 81 8318 1950

Fax: +52 81 8328 6161
Email: [email protected]

Financed by: Philanthropic
Website: link
Finance mechanism: Co-financing, Grants
Budget: N/a
Funding range:
Minimum return on investment:
Period / deadlines: On-going

Aim — FEMSA Foundation is a social investment instrument that supports education, science, and technology in the areas of water conservation and sustainable use, as well as the improvement of the quality of life within communities.

More information — We are mainly dedicated to being in contact with the majority of the institutions in which we seek to launch an initiative. Even though this is our principal activity, we set down requests and receive proposals about specific projects in the Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Innovation, Applied Science and Technology.


Who can apply

Type of organisations targeted

Specific organisations targeted — Organizations, non profit project/event. No individuals.

Type of projects

Specific type of projects — Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Education, Science and Technology, Quality of Life.

Project stadia

Target world region

Specific information on target countries — Latin America

Criteria — Cooperation, impact, reproducible, innovating, measurable results, long term, self-sustainable

How to apply

Application procedure — Send proposal by email

Selection procedure — Every proposal is screened with priorities and investment criteria. Subsequently, more detailed information is requested for the final revision before the Foundation’s Board where the final decision shall be taken.