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Welcome, bienvenue and bienvenido to Akvopedia!

Welcome to Akvopedia, the open water and sanitation resource that anyone can edit. The goal of Akvopedia is to improve water and sanitation projects through knowledge exchange on smart and affordable technical solutions and effective approaches. Akvopedia now contains 2,345 articles in English. In the coming months, a new portal, Sustainability, will be developed and our most recent addition, the Finance Portal, is now more fully updated and extended. Akvopedia is hosted and managed by Akvo Foundation.

Water Portal

Water Portal
The Water Portal contains information on water collection, pumping and transportation, storage, treatment, and use of water.

Sanitation Portal

Sanitation Portal
The Sanitation Portal contains information on toilets, collection, transportation, treatment, use of products, hygiene, and training materials.

Finance Portal - NEW!

Finance Portal
The Finance Portal contains information on the costs needed to finance, how to finance these costs, and how to monitor finance.

What's happening now

Akvopedia and the Really Simple Reporting (RSR) projects exchange links!
Akvo RSR Project: Life-WASH

Each of Akvo's RSR projects contain specific water technologies and locations, for instance Bush pumps in India or Community-led Sanitation in Kenya. Now many of the RSR projects have a link to the Akvopedia page of the appropriate technology in their project, and each Akvopedia technology page may have a Field experience section that contains one of Akvo's RSR projects.

This link exchange helps RSR project members to expand their resource base directly, while the Akvopedia users will get a wonderful field example of the technology they are curious about, already in use, right on the technology page they are looking at.

More news

  • NEW ARTICLE PAGE: Lifeskills: Football for Water. The main goal of the program is to improve drinking water and sanitation facilities at 1,100 schools in Kenya, Ghana and Mozambique. Furthermore, more than 700,000 school children will be taught life skills related to hand washing, clean drinking water and improved sanitation through football and life skills coaches (WorldCoaches).
  • SANITATION FIRST!! 2.6 billion people in the world don't have access to a toilet. The reality of what this means may be hard for us lucky toilet-owners to imagine, so here's an animation to help.
  • Check out this new helpful Sustainable Sanitation Sourcebook in the training of professionals for the sanitation and water sector, browse or download the set of animated PowerPoints. There are 500 slides and 600 pages worth of valuable sanitation information!!
  • NEW ARTICLE PAGE: Biogas-fueled pump - Using biogas for pumps in irrigation is gaining in popularity in India and elsewhere, as the savings in petroleum fuel prices are great. A diesel pump can also be converted into a bio-gas pump used for pumping water. The cheapest way to get biogas, once a pump is obtained, is to build a biomass digester, which means biomass must be collected, cultivated, or found.

Contributing to Akvopedia

Share your news and knowledge on water and sanitation by contributing articles to the Akvopedia. We've used the same conventions as the well-known online resource Wikipedia, so adding and editing articles is quick and easy to learn. This graphical guide will get you started; more detailed information about editing wiki articles is available in the help pages: Help:Contents

Editorial support

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Do you have quality content that you would like to contribute to Akvopedia, but lack the time or resources to upload it? Akvopedia offers free editorial services and always appreciates suggestions and links to expand our WASH wiki. Please contact our editor Winona Azure at winonaAt Thank you for visiting!