Featured water solution
Pepsi drip irrigation - Drip irrigation reduces water consumption but conventional drip technology is "high-tech" and expensive. To make drip irrigation affordable for small farmers, the Chapin bucket or IDE bucket and drum kits were developed. A bucket kit costing US$ 5 can irrigate 25 square meters and a drum kit five times as much. Based on this principle, farmers make a drip system made of plastic hoses that is normally used to package ice-lollies. More about Pepsi drip irrigation. Other water solutions.
Featured Sanitation solution
Co-composting - Composting is an aerobic process in which bacteria and other organisms feed on organic material and decompose it. The `recipe' of co-composting combines materials of high-carbon and high-nitrogen. Air is added to maintain aerobic conditions, either by turning the windrows or by forcing air through them. Adding excreta, especially urine, to household organics produces compost with a higher nutrient value (N-P-K) than compost produced only from kitchen and garden wastes.
More about Co-composting. More sanitation solutions.
Featured project
The Akvopedia structure project is a small Wiki sub-project of the Akvo community to define structure of the Akvopedia. The structure needs to be such that it is easy to find information in the Akvopedia. In reality the structure is just a set of links between pages, as there is no real hierarcy in the MediaWiki system, and it is up to us to define it.
Featured organisation
The Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is a co-founder of Akvo. NWP is an independent body set up by the Dutch private and public sectors. They nationally coordinate water activities overseas and provide relevant information regarding these activities. The organisation acts as focal point in the exchange of information among the more than 160 Dutch members. Read more about NWP.