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Choosing sustainable technology

No change in size, 18:42, 1 September 2008
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<li>Repairability. Can the technology be repaired easily by the user if it breaks down? If not, is there an infrastructure that can do that at an affordable cost?</li>
<li>Does the technology have the potential for replication and upscaling?</li>
<li>Does the project include monitoring of proper functioning, useage and consumer satisfaction?</li>
<li>Affordability. Can the target group afford to buy it, can they afford the cost of use, maintenance, and repairs?</li>
<li>Market potential (What is the expected market for the product? Has a market study been performed? Is the expected market sufficient to start a supply chain?) </li>
<li>User acceptance. Is the product to be introduced ``better`` than existing options? Meaning, is it cheaper, simpler, more effective, more attractive?</li>
<li>Gender. Are women involved in decisions? Do man and women benefit equally from the technology? </li>
<li>Can the product and spares be purchased easily and nearby? If not, can users still manage the acquisition of the product / spare parts?</li>
<li>Is a supply chain for the product and the spare parts in place for the technology to be introduced? If not, will it be created during or after the project? </li>
Akvopedia-spade, administrator

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