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Fish Pond

87 bytes added, 14:56, 9 August 2011
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<!-- table at top of page with logo, picture, Application level, Management level, and input-output tables -->
sys1=[[Single Pit System|1]]|
sys2=[[Blackwater Treatment System with Infiltration|5]]|
|[[Image:Aquaculture_ponds.png |right|300px]]|}
[[Image:Icon_aquaculture.png |right|95px]]
'''Aquaculture refers to the controlled cultivation of aquatic plants and animals; this technology sheet refers exclusively to the raising of fish while the following page on [[Floating Plant (Macrophyte) Pond|Floating Macrophytes]] addresses the cultivation of plants. Fish can be grown in ponds where they feed on algae and other organisms that grow in the nutrient-rich water. Through feeding, the nutrients from the wastewater are removed and the fish are eventually harvested for consumption.'''
Akvopedia-spade, administrator

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