7. Annexes & Presentations
<< The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) for the Northern Coast of Central Java
This page contains Annexes and presentation slides in addition to the final content report of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the North Coast of Central Java project.
- Barcelona Protocol, ICZM, 2010
2. Draft: Central Java Protocol for Integrated Coastal Zones Master Plans, 2020
- ICZM for North Coast of Central Java: International Cases, December 2020
2. ICZM in Central Java Governments Existing Plans (in Bahasa Indonesia)
3. Final report presentation
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Indonesia: A View from a Mangrove Ecologist
- Integrated coastal zone management towards Indonesia global ocean observing system (INA-GOOS): Review and recommendation
- Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Indonesia
Acknowledgements[edit | edit source]
Victor Coenen (Witteveen+Bos), Susan Arts (TwynstraGudde, Jaap de Heer (TwynstraGudde), Mugy Grimwaldy (Bita Bina Semesta) and Henni Hendarti (Deltares), 30-9-2021
Final content report Integrated Coastal Zone Management for the Central Java Province