Elevated steel reservoir

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An elevated steel reservoir stores clean water in a steel tank on a raised stand or tower. The elevation of the tank provides the water pressure to all points in the pressure zone of the distribution system. Tanks may be cylindrical, rectangular or any other convenient shape. For family use, the tank can be made of an old oil drum (duly coated), and the tower of bamboo. For communal needs, elevated steel tanks are often constructed from factory-made galvanized steel elements bolted or welded together. However, even with galvanization, steel tanks are generally more sensitive to corrosion than concrete reservoirs. On the other hand, steel tanks can be built faster and the cost of transporting the material is generally lower, especially when concrete aggregates are not locally produced.

Several pipes are connected to the tank, including ones for inlet, outlet, overflow and washout, and a screened vent hole or pipe maintains atmospheric pressure in the tank. There is also an entryway in the cover of the reservoir to allow the reservoir to be inspected. The entryway is normally kept closed with a lid. If an electric pump is used to pump water into the reservoir, the water level in the reservoir can be regulated by sensor electrodes in the tank. Alternatively, a float valve may be used to cut off the inflow when the maximum level has been reached.

The tanks may be placed on steel, wooden or reinforced-concrete towers, and special attention must be given to the foundation structure. Big elevated steel tanks are typically used by major water users, such as agricultural enterprises and communities.

Construction, operations and maintenance

Operation consists of opening and closing the valves, and managing a chlorinator if one is used. This is usually done by a caretaker who lives nearby.

For maintenance, the valves must be opened and closed every two months to prevent them from sticking. Some valves need lubricating. The screens must also be checked, and occasionally a screen or valve may need to be repaired. The inside of the reservoir should be cleaned at least every six months and disinfected using a chlorine solution. The tank and the stand should be painted once a year – epoxy-paint coatings should need little maintenance. Any leaks should be repaired immediately.

Potential problems
— the reservoir may become corroded and leak;
— steel reservoirs normally require cathodic protection;
— steel reservoirs need relatively more maintenance than those made of concrete, ferrocement or even wood.


Initial cost: Prices vary considerably between countries and tank quality. In 1991, in Tanzania, a circular above-ground tank made of galvanized iron cost US$ 125 for a 1 m3 tank (US$ 125 per m3) and US$ 550 for a 10 m3 tank (US$ 55 per m3).

Reference manuals, videos, and links
