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Chlorine Dispenser

12 bytes removed, 08:58, 6 July 2010
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[[Image:chlorine dispenser.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Girl putting chlorine Chlorine dispenser in her jerrycanuse]]
[[Image:dispenser in box.jpg|thumb|right|300px|chlorine dispenser in its fixed stand]]
In many rural areas where infrastructure is poor, finding solutions for contaminated drinking water is difficult. Dilute chlorine solution is often sold in bottles to be used at a household level to disinfect water. For more information about water disinfection using chlorine see [[Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) ]] The costs of packaging and distributing these bottles however are very high. Because of this, chlorine disinfection is unaffordable for most rural households, even though the cost of the actual chlorine is only around 5% of the price of the bottle. It is much more efficient for the chlorine to be bought in bulk and placed in dispensers at local water sources, increasing the intake of chlorine and so the average drinking water quality.

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