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Icon EMAS drilling.png
Drilling a well in Colombia with the EMAS method.
All the equipment needed easily fits on a small hand-cart.


EMAS鑽井法是由玻利維亞的Escuela Móvil de Agua y Saneamiento(水與衛生流動學校)所開發。EMAS在玻利維亞的計畫領袖沃夫岡・埃里吉斯・布赫納,於1957年出生在慕尼黑的霍爾茨基興鎮。EMAS建立於1993年,已在聖胡利安(1994年)及裴瑞玆(1997年)的部門培訓了約130位獨立造井師,其中有20位學生從認證過的工藝課程中畢業。玻利維亞的造井師們創立了一個造井師組織。





Emas well drilling




優點 缺點
- 在細微至中等沙質中使用起來極快。

- 操作儀器簡單便宜。
- 無需使用機器。
- 無需使用電動泥泵及鑽塔。
- 可在地下水位下作業。
- 使用防腐、易取得及易處理之材料(聚乙烯與聚氯乙烯)。
- 維護成本低
- 低成本(含手泵每公尺約六美元)。此方法比起市面上最低成本的方法要經濟約十倍。
- 適用於有著類似土質的其他國家及區域。

- 一般受限於砂質土壤及軟黏土。

- 在鑽井工址需有足夠的水可供使用。
- 鑽孔徹夜敞開有崩塌危險。
- 工程比電動鑽井耗時。





鑽鑿而成的洞直徑約為兩呎,便宜的1又1/2吋(39毫米)聚氯乙烯管則作為井的套管。這能容納1又1/4吋的聚氯乙烯活塞泵。但如有需要,井的上半部(比最低預期水位低一公尺) 可擴大至能容納直徑稍大的泵。

因為整個鑽桿為金屬製,鑽頭的重量會隨著深度線性增加。因此井越深,行程越重 (行程長度被槓桿限制為30公分)。



Setting up the light-weight drill tower.
Installing the lever, used to move the drill stem up and down.
Drilling in process: one person operates the lever, one person guides the drill stem and rotates it, the third person operates the mud pump.
Putting in an EMAS flexi-pump.
Wetting the cement for the pump base.
The mud pump in close-up.
The well screen, slits cut with saw, end capped. Later, a sock is pulled around the screen.
After the well screen is put in the well, the well is developed by a special tool.


An EMAS drilling rig, fit to drill holes up to 30 m deep, can be built in Bolivia for about US$ 600 - 800. This includes the tower, mud pump and all essential non-common tools to operate and maintain it.

In most cases, the tube well is combined with an EMAS hand pump. In that case, the total cost per meter, including labor, materials, hand pump and 1 year warranty, in Bolivia amounts to between 4 and 10 US$. The standard price is between 5 and 6 Dollars per meter.

That price is calculated in 3 parts. Taking 6$ as basis, 2$ are for the material and hand pump (a hand pump is normally included in a well deeper than 20 meters), 2$ are for the wage of the two drillers (including also the maintenance of the equipment) and 2$ in the creation of a reserve fund in case there is no water or not enough water found, salty water found or a drilling mistake is made such as a broken drill stem, the wrong filter sleeve, etc. Normally, for the price of 5$ a 1 year warrantee is given in case that the sand remains after 4 weeks use.

The average well depth in Bolivia is around 27 meters, and costs approx. US$ 180 including an EMAS hand pump. This makes a surface covering supply of drinking water possible for municipalities and families in rural areas.

Field experiences

The EMAS method is mainly used in Bolivia, Panama, Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Eritrea and Sri Lanka.

Manuals, videos and links

EMAS has produced a set of DVDs which cover, among others, EMAS drilling and other low cost water supply techniques. Contact Wolfgang Buchner in Bolivia at [email protected] or [email protected] if you would like to order a copy of the movies on DVD.

EMAS manual well drilling is a method for drilling small-diameter tube wells by hand. The drilling method is a hybrid between washboring, percussion and rotary drilling. It permits to drill through all kinds of loose soils, as well as consolidated materials and light rock. It will not, however, penetrate hard original rock or boulders (e.g. ancient river beds underground). The usual diameter of the tube well is 37 mm. Movies made by Wolfgang Buchner.

Well drilling - standard
EMAS method - part 1
Well drilling - standard
EMAS method - part 2
Suction variant to standard EMAS method - part 1
Well drilling - sludging with
temporary casing - part 1
Well drilling - sludging with
temporary casing - part 2
Well drilling - sludging with
temporary casing - part 3

Other resources
