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==Suitable Conditions==
|text1= - ''Effects of drought'': Tend to dry up quickly, especially if unlined; Conflict over water for animals. <br> - ''Underlying causes of effects'': Lack of rainfall; High evaporation rates; High seepage rates through base of pond and through dam; Storage not sufficient for demand – silting up of ponds due to high silt load, high level of work in constructing ponds. <br> - ''To increase resiliency of WASH system'': Reduce evaporation & seepage; Follow proper construction methods; Reduce siltation to get more volume; Promote private ownership of ponds, so de-silting process more likely; Improve access to low-cost loans with long-time repayment conditions so that farmers can replicate technology; Use phased construction until capacity is sufficient for water demand.
|heading1heading2= Floods|text1text2= With climate change, some regions experience more intense rainfall events. (Several) smaller dams will receive less damage than one larger dam and be less expensive to fix. Diversify water sources so that if floods knock out one system, community has alternatives while repairs proceed. Flow paths of rivers are more likely to change, so choose dam site in most stable place along river and make dam height in consideration of past flood lines on the bank.
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