→Cross subsidies / Differential tariff systems
This approach is considered to be a good way to reach the poorest. However, the [[Asian Development Bank (ADB)]] concluded that whereas it helps to sustain existing systems, current approaches do not reach the poorest [http://www.adb.org/Water/Policy/consultations/IND-2005-Consultation-Report.pdf#page=3]. Tariffs based on volume are interesting, but metering is normally a problem, since it is costly. Customer involvement in the process is also very important. China’s Rural Water Supply program, for instance, has over 90% payment compliance in households with metered systems whereby the salaries of the operations staff are tied to monthly bill collection and raising tariffs if they do not cover operating costs
[http://www.wsp.org/publications/global_wtp_china.pdf]. Cross subsidies has have high potential however, particularly for poor slum dwellers, but innovative ways of dealing with the problem of metering are needed.
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