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Gender Approaches

323 bytes added, 15:10, 13 August 2008
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== Gender definition ==
In all societies men and women play different roles, have different needs, and face different constraints. Gender roles differ from the biological roles of men and women, although they may overlap in nearly all societies. Gender roles are socially constructed. They demarcate responsibilities between men and women, social and economic activities, access to resources, and decisionmaking authority. Biological roles are fixed, but gender roles can and do change with social, economic, and technological change. Social factors underlie and support gender-based disparities. These factors include:<ref>{{Cite| author = Monica S. Fong, Wendy Wakeman & Anjana Bhushan| last = Fong| coauthors = Wakeman & Bhushan | title = Toolkit: Gender Issues in Water and Sanitation| accessdate = 2008-08-13| date = 1996| url =| publisher = World Bank}}</ref> 
•Institutional arrangements that create and reinforce gender-based constraints or, conversely, foster an environment in which gender disparities can be reduced

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