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{{Orgbox |
name = Rural Water Supply Network|
class = Network NGO|
keywork = research facilitation, <br /> technology development, <br />commercial technology application, <br />consultancy |
website = [http://www.practicafoundationrwsn.nl ch www.practicafoundationrwsn.nlch]
'''PRACTICA foundationThe Rural Water Supply Network''' (RWSN) functions as a global knowledge network with its secretariat hosted by a Skat Foundation, a resource centre based in Switzerland. It aims to facilitate researchthe provision of safe water and sanitation to the poor and deprived through the promotion of sustainable technologies that are affordable and responsive to the needs of the users. RWSN blends a strong engineering capacity with the principles of balanced development, development including institutional, financial and social aspects. The network acts as a depository of knowledge and provides support to sector partners; it pools the experience and expertise of its members and commercial application places the results of technology their work in the field public domain through the production of publications and international specifications. RWSN concentrates on affordable, groundwater-related technologies that are easy to maintain and acts as a focal point for standardisation of low cost water and energy in developing countriessupply technologies.
== Main activities ==