Budidaya Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan / Mengaplikasikan potasium (K)
Unduh: Modul 4: Aplikasi Pupuk
- Memberi kelapa sawit asupan potasium yang cukup untuk menghasilkan hasil panen yang optimal;
- Membatasi hilangnya unsur potasium dari lingkungan.
Pupuk potasium diaplikasikan menurut prinsip 4R: right type (jenis yang tepat), right amount (jumlah yang tepat), right place (lokasi yang tepat), right time (waktu yang tepat).
Waktu pelaksanaan
Tidak pada saat puncak musim hujan.
- Pada semua jenis tanah: 2--3 dosis per tahun (sekali dalam 4-6 bulan);
- Pada tanah berpasir dan tanah gambut: 3-4 dosis per tahun (sekali dalam 3-4 bulan).
Kebutuhan waktu tenaga kerja
2-4 jam per hektar.
Peralatan dan perlengkapan
- Ember, kantong atau
- Timbangan dapur
- Spidol hitam
- Mangkuk (ukuran 1.5 – 2 L)
- Pupuk
See: Table 4; Table 5; Table 6; Table 7.
Farmers and their families or hired labourers.
Apply potassium fertiliser by following these steps:
Step 1. | Before application, remove noxious weeds and slash ground cover to 50 cm height. |
Step 2. | Weigh the amount of fertiliser to be applied in a bowl or cup, using kitchen scales. |
Step 3. | Mark the bowl / cup at the right amount using a black marker pen. |
Step 4. | Break up any fertiliser clumps into small pieces before application (see Figure 21). |
Step 5. | Apply the fertiliser in the following way:
If palms are on the edge of a river, road or ditch, avoid applying fertilisers on the side of the palm closest to the edge (if fertiliser is being broadcast). |
Data recording
Every fertiliser application should be recorded in a log book as shown in the example below.
Date | Time | Location | Activity | Input type | Input amount | Input costs | Labour input | Labour costs | |
People | Hours | ||||||||
16/01/13 | Field 3 | Fertiliser: K | KCl | 150 kg | 840000 | 1 | 4 | 40000 |
- ↑ H. Othman, T.M. Ahmad, T.D. Mohd, Bunch ash: an efficient and cost-effective K fertilizer source for mature oil palm on peat under high rainfall environment, MPOB Information Series, 258 (2005).
The material from Applying potassium (K) is sourced from Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook and put together by Lotte Suzanne Woittiez (Wageningen Universit) and Haryono Sadikin, Sri Turhina, Hidayat Dani, Tri Purba Dukan, and Hans Smit (SNV) in August 2016. See Module 4: Fertiliser Application for more information.