Budidaya Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan / Pemeliharaan jalan
Unduh: Modul 2: Cara Panen, Grading, Transportasi
- Memastikan proses pengangkutan tandan buah yang segar secara cepat dan efisien menuju pabrik;
- Memastikan akses yang baik menuju perkebunan untuk para petani dan karyawan;
- Mengurangi kerusakan pada truk angkut.
- Permukaan jalan yang rata, kuat, dan tidak berlubang;
- Jalan bisa dilalui 365 hari dalam setahun;
- Selokan saluran air bebas dari semak dan sampah.
Waktu pelaksanaan
- Sebelum musim puncak produksi;
- Sebelum dan sesudah musim hujan.
- Perbaikan skala kecil dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan;
- Pemeriksaan/perbaikan secara menyeluruh dilakukan setiap tahun.
Kebutuhan waktu tenaga kerja
- Tergantung dari aktivitas dan peralatan yang tersedia;
- Pekerja konstruksi lokal dapat diperbantukan.
Peralatan dan perlengkapan
- Tergantung dari perbaikan yang dibutuhkan dan dari ketersediaan mesin berat dan material yang ada.
- Standard maintenance requires:
- - Gravel or oil palm kernel shells;
- - Excavator (if available).
- A special department in the cooperative;
- Selected cooperative members;
- If necessary, hired construction workers.
If roads are in bad condition, transport of the fresh fruit bunches will be slower and therefore more expensive (see Figure 11). Regular maintenance of roads also prevents damage from becoming too large to repair.
Road maintenance can be the responsibility of (local) governments or plantation companies. If no one else takes responsibility, then road maintenance should be arranged by the cooperative.
Routine maintenance of roads should include 1:
- Graveling of roads;
- Filling in potholes;
- Cleaning weeds from roadsides and ditches.
Roads should be checked regularly, especially for potholes and for collapse of the road surface at the sides of the road:
- Inform the cooperative immediately if the road needs repair work.
- If the damage is too large, consider hiring local construction workers to carry out the repairs.
Data recording
Every road maintenance activity should be recorded in a logbook as shown in the example below.
Date | Time | Location | Activity | Input type | Input amount | Input costs | Labour input | Labour costs | |
People | Hours | ||||||||
16/01/13 | Whole day | Repair village road | Gravel | 5 trucks | 6 | 8 | 400000 | ||
16/01/13 | Whole day | Repair village road | Truck rent | 1 truck |
- ↑ I.R. Rankine, T.H. Fairhurst, Field Handbook: Oil Palm Series, Volume 3 – Mature, second ed., Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI), Singapore, 1999.
The material from Road maintenance is sourced from Smallholder Oil Palm Handbook and put together by Lotte Suzanne Woittiez (Wageningen Universit) and Haryono Sadikin, Sri Turhina, Hidayat Dani, Tri Purba Dukan, and Hans Smit (SNV) in August 2016. See Module 2: Harvesting, Grading, Transport for more information.