India News - Sanitation & Hygiene

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Sanitation and hygiene iwp.png
August 2, 2015
Poor sanitation causes psychosocial stress among women
Environmental barriers, social factors and fears of sexual violence contribute to sanitation-related psychosocial stress among women. Gender sensitive policies need to be strengthened to tackle this.
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July 29, 2015
Does poor sanitation behaviour adversely affect pregnancy?
670 pregnant women from coastal and inland Odisha were interviewed to examine the relationship between maternal sanitation behaviour and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The results confirm the hypothesis.
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July 9, 2015
The connection between integrated watershed management and public health
According to this study, implementing a watershed management programme in water scarce areas can lead to both improved water availability and health outcomes.
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March 20, 2015
Righting an insanitary wrong
Indian citizens are campaigning for a justiciable right to water and sanitation. Mamata Dash of WaterAid speaks to IWP about the right and its importance.
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February 19, 2015
Sanitation in rural India- Inconsistent data reveals gaps and points at the still alarming deprivation
Inadequate availability of drinking water and proper sanitation is the root cause of a number of diseases among populations in rural areas and can lead to even worse outcomes for women and children.