Fieldtrate Plus

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Revision as of 02:10, 28 May 2016 by Winona (talk | contribs) (Technical specifications)

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The most portable water filtration system that fits in a check-in luggage.

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Fieldtrate Plus is a low cost water filtration technology that packs an incredible capacity to provide for an entire community, producing up to 500 litres of clean water per hour. Ceramic membrane technology allows product resilience, and the all-in-one compact design luggage means that you're ready to check in and fly hassle free. With such mobility and rapid deployment capability, it is now simple to bring clean drinking water to where it is needed most.

Technical specifications

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  • water production: 500L/h
  • product turbidity: < 0.1 NTU
  • operating pressure 0.06 - 0.1 bar
  • weight: 30 kg
  • pH range: 2 - 12
  • membrane area: 4 m²

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WateROAM was founded in Singapore in 2014 as a water innovation social enterprise that aims to bring simple, portable & durable solutions for the benefit of mankind.

In light of the rising number of disasters around the world and the subsisting water issues for rural communities, the heart and vision of WateROAM is to build a world where no man shall face prolonged thirst.

For sales and general enquiries, please contact us at:

Email: general [at]

Address: 32 Marsiling Lane, Singapore 739151

Phone: +65 9697-3287